My name is Raja. I’m an ex-fast fashion product developer, a mum, Yoga teacher, animal lover, environmentalist, globe-trotter, sports enthusiast with a weakness for good food and the founder of Luna & Soul.
I used to work in the fast fashion industry and developed products for Topshop, Forever21, Zara, Debenhams, Primark, Carrefour and others. In the beginning, I loved working for fast-fashion retailers because it was cool sourcing and developing products for all these well known US, UK, French and German brands...but the reality was different. The focus was always on short-term profits and sales but never on the environmental and human costs.
The fast fashion industry dictated what the latest must-have products were. I often worked with retailers and brands who changed their minds about a product at the last minute because another retailer had something they didn't have or the media told them to do so.
Everything needed to be produced quickly and cheaply. There was not much time or thought put in to finding good quality toxin-free materials. Working ridiculously long hours, over the weekend and during holidays without additional pay was the norm.
Negotiating prices was like being on a battlefield. Sometimes a manufacturer had to accept a price that was not sustainable nor fair.
The idea of making fashion more ethical without any negative impact on people or the environment was mission impossible in this sort of fast paced environment.
This was exhausting and it didn't feel right. I didn't want to be part of an industry that was so short-sighted, and I thought there must be a better way. So my urge to create a brand that would put environmental and social aspects first became stronger.
After over a decade living in London and working in fast fashion I decided it was time for a change. I quit my job, packed up my things (family included ;) ) and travelled to Bali where I decided to do my yoga teaching training.
During this time we often spoke about our fears and dreams, and Luna & Soul was one of them. It was here that I gained the courage to follow my dreams and create an eco-friendly brand inspired by the philosophy of Yoga.
Be kind, always.