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October 06, 2022 4 min read

The practice of Yoga encourages deep connections with Mother Nature - the invincible creator. The life-giver. The almighty force. It encourages self-awareness, patience and compassion in its followers. It also helps to ground us to develop a better state of physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Restoring harmony between humanity and Mother Earth, the practice is as old as time itself. 

Yoga and Pilates are loved by many. People relish in their benefits. The satisfying post-workout ache. The clear, quiet mind. The feeling of weightlessness. We incorporate their values into life and agree with the very essence of the practice. But, modern-day lifestyles seem to contradict traditional yogic beliefs. With human behaviours leading to the deterioration of the earth, together, we need to find more sustainable ways of living.

Sage Green Yoga mat in prayer yoga pose

Modern day Yoga and Pilates practices are also impacting Mother Earth. Imagine yourself rushing to class. Your activewear is fast fashion, flown in from overseas in non-recyclable, one-use plastic packaging. It’s fraying already after minimal wear. You grab a water bottle (single-use) and roll out your yoga mat (PVC). These items will eventually become landfill. Several unsustainable dilemmas start to unearth. Unbeknown to us, we’ve been accidentally contributing towards unsustainable living for some time. Although we try to follow Ahimsa - ‘bringing no harm to ourselves, others, living creatures or to 'nature', our fast-paced lifestyles  have knocked us out of alignment with core yogic principles. Fellow yogis, pilates lovers and friends - take yourfirst step towards a more sustainable practice, today.

Stepping Towards a More Sustainable Practice

Before Your Practice

As you wake up to start your mindfulness practice, just take a moment. Burning incense is a peaceful way to start the day. It clears the mind whilst cleansing the atmosphere. But, do you ever look into your products or check if they’re natural/synthetic? Purifying the mind, body and spirit is far easier, knowing your products don’t cause harm to the planet.

By using natural, sustainable products, dive evendeeper into gratitude. Intensify your connection to earth with Luna & Soul’s natural, sustainable incense sticks. Enjoy heavenly aromas and up to 45 minutes of burning time. Allowing you to give back to Mother Nature.

Starting Your Practice

If your Pilates clothes are sustainable development ‘goals’ and you’ve managed to avoid  ‘throw away’ fashion, that’s amazing. You’re already an eco-star. If you’ve accidentally fallen for fashion fads, review the sustainability of women’s yoga clothes by looking at the label. Good quality, sustainable clothing is often crafted from pure, organic materials. These clothes will stand the test of time. An investment for your future practice. For sustainable yoga clothes, see Luna & Soul’s organic cotton leggings. These high waist yoga pants are made from organic, certified natural cotton. There’s no need to compromise on comfort, style and fit when you can have it all. Your organic cotton leggings will arrive in biodegradable, sustainable packaging. Rest easy, knowing every eco-concern has been considered.

The Practice Itself

You’re warming up, suddenly, you’re distracted. Thrown off focus, “how sustainable really is Pilates”? Is your reformer mat eco-friendly? Or is it made from non-compostable/non-recyclable materials? If the latter, find a mat that serves you (and theearth) better. Luna & Soul’s reformer mat is crafted from 100% biodegradable rubber, fused with vegan micro-fibres and a soft suede top. Allowing you to work out in (and on) sustainable products, without an ounce of eco-guilt.


Sage green eco friendly pilates reformer mat

Whilst soaring to sustainable fashion highs, you might like to explore other eco-friendly equipment. Luna & Soul’s cotton blend resistance bands are sustainable workout enhancers. Designed to intensify your practice. Flaunt your sustainability spirit whilst sculpting further definition into your legs and glutes. Available in a range of colours and resistance levels, there’s one perfect for every soul. 

After Your Practice

Workout complete, but your day isn’t. Wear your activewear ‘out out’ - whilst grabbing coffee, seeing friends or shopping. If, like us, you liiiiivein your activewear, invest in products that offer versatility. Meaning, multipurpose clothing suitable for all occasions. Wear it any place, any time. From Studio to Street. The Luna & Soul Zigzag Yoga Top is perfect for every occasion. With an eye-catchy back and bust support, it’ll keep things in their rightful place. Pair it with yoga pants or anything elsein your wardrobe. Move, stretch and do life without giving your carbon footprint a second thought.


 White Zigzag Yoga Top | Luna & Soul

Your day draws to a close - time to relax. Keep your nighttime ritual sacred by investing in natural wax candles. Luna & Soul’s natural soy wax candle is vegan-friendly and infused with organic essential oils. Allow yourself to indulge in its sweet aromatic scent and keep your hour of tranquillity undisturbed. 

Ready to Implement Sustainability Into Your Practice?

Simple changes lead to big outcomes. Together - let’s buy better. Search for organic and sustainable fashion. Invest in eco-friendly and help the earth to thrive.

Ready to step towards sustainability with your practice? So are we... That’s why we give back to Mother Earth wherever we can. View our full eco-friendly range here. 

Stay true to your beliefs.

Honour yourself, others and the world around you.


Luna & Soul

